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Emma Pflieger and Antoine Foeglé are the 2024 laureates of the exchange programme organised by CEAAC and Budapest Gallery. They are currently hosted for a one-month residency in Budapest, Hungary.

Since 2017, they have been collaborating around their shared interest in pop culture, science, politics, and design with the creation of the Pfliegerfœglé collective. Recently, they exhibited their installation “Keep it Flat” at mudac (Lausanne, Switzerland) as part of the season “Space is the place”. It aimed to show the mechanism of the flat earth conspiracy theory. In their practice, they use design as a narrative tool to carry out sensitive investigations into historiography. During their residency in Budapest, they will explore the history of Dracula and develop their project “Vampire Bed’N’Breakfast”. In a movie between documentary and fiction, they will attempt to capture the contemporary image of the vampire, a subject situated between Hungary’s unique history and a tourist narrative.

Instagram : @pfliegerfoegle