Since 1988, the CEAAC has installed 35 monumental contemporary artworks across Alsace, in the hearts of towns
and villages, around them, or in the middle of the countryside and forests. Each of these art installations on the Contemporary Art Route establishes a particular dialogue with its geographical, sociological and artistic context.
Among those, nine artists produced projects in the Pourtalès Sculpture Park in Strasbourg : (Stephan Balkenhol, Ernest Pignon-Ernest, Jean-Marie Krauth, Jimmie Durham, Giulio Paolini, Barry Flanagan, Claudio Parmiggiani, Gaetano Pesce, Sarkis). They questioned human’s relationship with nature and their representation of it.
These in situ artworks are freely accessible throughout the year.
The CEAAC’s cultural mediation team offers visits to one or several sites in order to accompany groups in the encounter with the artworks.
Information and booking: